Our mission statement is "Saving the lost, changing lives and maturing community members by offering hope in Christ throughout our community and community members.” We are faith-based equipped with Licensed Clinical Counselors, Certified Temperament Profile Therapist and Pastoral Counselors. We provide prayers, grieve counseling, family counseling and single counseling, community workshops for people struggling with addictions, health issues and disorders. We also have Mentorship programs for our young adults, Employment Preparedness Classes, Entrepreneurship Class, and Fitness & Wellness Class. We serve as mediators to prevent revenge violence among community youths and young adults. We believe that our organizational mission, values, and culture aligns with city's plan for better community. Our role in providing help and other resources to the most vulnerable in our communities brings joy to all our kingdom workers (volunteers) knowing that we are fulfilling part of God's plan for humanity.
Serving over twenty thousand people yearly through our weekly Food Pantry gives us access to people and has made us earn their trust. We are uniquely positioned and have over the years been identified as the problem solvers in our community. We serve as mediators; we provide conflict resolutions and help community members resolve dispute, so it does not escalate. We are also a liaison between the Police Department and our community members. We have helped and supported our high-risk community members through our proven systems.
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